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Have you seen Paolo Miller?


Pianobi is happy to announce its collaboration with RUFA (Rome University of Fine Arts). On June 19, 2024, the exhibition of the artists/students Giulia Vitiello, Alexandra Bittarova, Ximena Robles Gárate, Yelyzaveta Tarasenko, Alexandra Shuhobodskaya, Alina Zialionaya, Kira Protsenko, Alvi Östgård, Katerina Soplekina, Janneke Leenders of the Painting course held by the visual artist Caterina Silva opens. The exhibition is accompanied by the critical text written by the students Alex Aymerich, Lucy Henderson, Gloria Strauß of the Art Curating and Management course held by the curator and art critic Fabrizio Pizzuto.


After a series of meetings between the students, the teachers and Isabella Vitale, curator and founder of piano contemporary art project, an idea was conceived capable of allowing many different identities to coexist in the same place. Paolo Miller was "created", a young man, artist, of Italian origin and around 35 years old, with whom each student-artist interacted differently and at various moments in their lives. Someone had a romantic relationship with him, another was his roommate or half sister, yet another studied art with him or met him in a psychological clinic ...


The exhibition will consist of a retrospective of Paolo Miller and the works displayed will reconstruct his existence in a fragmentary way through the voices of the artists who knew him an the works that he left them ...




The woman I saw in the forest

Polyptych: 50 x 60cm + 25 x 30cm
Oil on cotton pillow case and birch bark


It is a game of disappearing and appearing figures we play when we encounter unknown surroundings. "The woman I saw in the forest" is an artwork that leaves us to ourselves, in a balancing act between seeing something and looking for something. In her own way the woman appears on all the surfaces; the pillowcase and each of the bark slices invite you into her realm. The question is, how long do you look for her before she appears, and at what point does she abandon you and leave you to yourself and a simple slice of material?





If you are interested in seeing "how we all met Paolo Miller, and how his artworks were left in our safekeeping", watch these interviews:




2024 Copyright © Alvi Östgård

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